FAQ on Getting a Brake Service in Thomasville, GA

Brake Service Available at Thomasville Ford

To avoid rear-end crashes, pedestrians, bicycles, and other unforeseen road hazards, you need brakes that work well. No matter how fast you're going, you need your car to stop right away if you want to. Your brakes need to be functional at all times.

It’s important that you have basic knowledge about your brakes. If you have questions about your brake system, the FAQ below may have the answers you’re looking for. Thomasville Ford Lincoln prepared this FAQ.

I Hear Strange Noises, What Does It Mean?

Are your wheels making a high-pitched squealing sound? You most likely need to have your brake pads replaced. Go to an automotive service center as soon as you hear the first squeal or screeching sound. You can save expensive future repairs by replacing the pads promptly.

Another warning sound is grinding, which typically indicates that you have gone past the point of just needing new brake pads. Metal-on-metal contact is probably causing the grinding noises. Your calipers are most likely rubbing against the rotors. The cost of this repair is much higher than buying new pads.

Why Is My Vehicle Pulling to One Side?

Several factors can cause a car to pull aggressively to the left or right when you step on the brake. Usually, the problem is with the brakes. Possible problems are a blocked caliper or unevenly worn pads.

If your brakes are functioning properly, your suspension, front-end alignment, or tires may be at fault. Regardless of the cause, tugging to one side or the other is a good indication that you should visit a mechanic immediately.

Is it Normal for My Vehicle to Vibrate?

When you do an emergency stop while using anti-lock brakes, it's common to feel the brake pedal pulse. However, check your brakes immediately if you experience pulsing when applying the brakes for a routine stop.

When the brake pedal pulses or vibrates, your rotors are likely unevenly worn or deformed. Friction and heat from heavy-duty driving, such as towing or frequent braking on a mountainous surface, can change the curvature of the rotors. You might require a front-end alignment if the mechanic rules out rotor issues.

Why Does My Brake Pedal Feel Soft?

Have you ever pressed the brake pedal and immediately felt it fall to the floor? When you have "soft brakes," you have completely worn-out brake pads, a malfunctioning hydraulic system, an air leak, or leaking brake fluid. Get these symptoms checked out immediately to avoid worsening mechanical issues or a complete brake system failure.

When the brake pedal is practically impossible to press, the opposite reaction, referred to as "hard brakes," takes place. Your automobile could have a vacuum system problem or an obstruction in the brake line. A trip to a repair shop is necessary if the brakes are soft or firm.

Why Do I Feel a Grabbing Sensation?

If you feel a grabbing sensation when you step on the brakes, you need to have your brakes checked. Even though it can be a sign of an unevenly worn rotor, it might just be that the brake fluid needs to be changed.

Schedule a Brake Service at Thomasville Ford Lincoln

If you're from Thomasville, GA, take your vehicle to Thomasville Ford Lincoln if you need a brake service. You can call or send us a message to schedule a service.

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