Transmission Service In Thomasville,GA

Transmission Service at Thomasville Ford Lincoln

Transmission Service At Thomasville Ford Lincoln

Regardless of the condition of your car, Thomasville Ford Lincoln’s service station will ensure that our technicians take the utmost care of your vehicle when you bring it in for maintenance or repairs. This is because our service center is staffed with professional, factory-trained technicians who utilize the most advanced methods and technology to return your vehicle to the road running like new.

Our team is capable of performing a variety of services, ranging from oil changes, general maintenance, brake repair and replacement, battery replacement, filter changes, engine and transmission repair, to more advanced work.

If you have any questions regarding any of our services, do not hesitate to reach out to any of our service representatives today. They are on hand six days a week to ensure that your vehicle gets the coverage it needs when it needs it the most. You can best reach us online, by phone at (229) 256-2782, or by heading down to our dealership in Thomasville.

If you happen to notice that your vehicle is experiencing any issues like switching gears, leaking fluid, slipping gears, or hearing odd noises when in neutral, then you might be experiencing transmission problems. Additional warning signs include a burning smell, grinding or shaking, unresponsiveness, and the illumination of the check engine light. Left unattended, a damaged transmission can cause all sorts of problems and can lead to a potentially dangerous and costly situation. When you do bring your vehicle in, our technicians will perform an extensive inspection and recommend the next best steps.

Check Us Out At Thomasville Ford Lincoln

We welcome you to come explore and experience firsthand all that we have to offer at Thomasville Ford Lincoln. Before you drop in, be sure to schedule an appointment online. If you have any questions, reach out today. We look forward to assisting you.